What can Amazon Gift Cards be redeemed towards? Amazon Gift Cards are redeemable towards the purchase of millions of eligible goods and services provided by Amazon.com Services LLC and its affiliates on www.amazon.com, or certain of its affiliated properties, such as smile.amazon.com.
Purchase Store Goods And Services. The primary use of gift certificates is to make store purchases of goods and services when the card is redeemed in the store. Many businesses have created gift cards to aid customers in making seamless transactions in their stores.
Amazon Gift Cards do not expire even when it has not been redeemed or activated. The Amazon Gift Card can be redeemed at any time on the Amazon platform, the gift card balance on the card is added to your Amazon balance and it can be used to make purchases on the Amazon store at any time.
You can only use the cards for Amazon purchases. Both versions of the Amazon Store Card are closed-loop, which means they can only be used at Amazon.com, Amazon-owned businesses (including Audible, Amazon Bookstore, Amazon Web Services and comixology.com), and places that accept Amazon Pay.
Amazon.com Gift Cards can only be redeemed at Amazon.com. Once redeemed, your Amazon.com Gift Card balance can’t be transferred between accounts, or to an Amazon store in a different country. Go to About Amazon Gift Card Restrictions and Prohibited Activities for more information.
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